Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hell week

So basically, I'm running on little sleep, and I just wanted to throw a little stream-of-consciousness into the world. This is what happened when I loosed my fingers:

Have you ever been done? Like just done with everything so that you could stop and breathe for a minute? But then you realize that you're not really done and that life keeps moving forward really really fast and your not sure but someone must have hit the fast forward button when you clearly said pause and now you're out of breath and you're kind of dizzy and then you remember that school ISN'T over yet and that you actually have an ENTIRE WEEK left of FINALS because for whatever reason someone thought it would be fun to torture all the students by forcing them to remember details from the first day of class that was honestly a blur because you were so excited to be back at school and see all your friends, wait, you were excited to be back at school? No, that must have been someone else because you are ready to be in a real home with a bedroom, living room, AND a kitchen with someone that you've lived with your whole life who has to love you because they're related to you and because they truly understand your awesomeness and don't mistake it for simply being weird like everyone else seems to because your family is weirder than you and you will always have that to make yourself feel better and not school or finals because they are terrible inventions designed to suck the very life out of you until you're so beat down that you enter the real world without any hopes or expectations of snow days or work being cancelled and then all you can say is this is what hell week looks like and thank God it's almost over.

So yeah, it's been that kind of day. 

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